Global Hope Child Sponsorship Frequently Asked Questions

Why do you call child sponsors “Godparents”?

The term “Godparent” is used to reflect a deeper relationship than just sending in money. We believe the most important gift you give is the love your Godchild will feel when you pray for them and write them letters. You may even be able to show them how much you care by visiting them through a Global Hope mission trip!

Why are Global Hope Godparents so important?
A Global Hope Godparent is someone who has made the decision to create a personal relationship in the life of a child. For the child, this relationship strengthens the knowledge that they are loved and cared for, especially for those children that have experienced trauma in their early years.

Godparents in the Global Hope community gain a deeper understanding of the difference that they are making in the lives of their sponsored children by developing a long-term relationship with the child through letter writing, prayer and personal visits. Semi-annual updates from the ministry partners of Global Hope or from the child themselves will help Godparents gain a better understanding of the child’s community, culture, and personalinterests.

Godparents provide long-term and sustainable funding so that Global Hope knows that the support provided for each child will be consistently provided. It allows Global Hope to confidently grow the number of children cared for, without endangering our ability to continue providing for those already in our care.

What does it cost to become a Godparent and what does it provide?

It costs $45 per month to be a Global Hope Godparent at the base level.  Please consider supporting a child at one of the higher levels:  $78, $100 or $350 per month.  When you choose to become a Godparent, your support provides for your Godchild’s necessities such as quality caregivers, education, medical, clothing, and food. The money is sent by Global Hope to the ministry partner entrusted with the care of the children; the money is not sent directly to families.

Your commitment provides for more than just your child’s physical needs –you will also develop a long-lasting relationship with your godchild through regular letter writing. You have the opportunity to impact your Godchild’s life by providing emotional support, positive encouragement and by the sharing of your faith. You will receive semi-annual updates on your child’s progress and periodic Global Hope newsletters.

What happens to the child I’m helping if I cannot continue being a Godparent?
If you need to discontinue your support, we will immediately look for a new Godparent for your child and continue that child’s support without interruption.
If I sign up to become a Global Hope Godparent, how long will my support be required?
The Global Hope Godparent program offers you the opportunity to stay with a child for the length of time that child stays in our program.

Children leave the Global Hope program once they have completed their education and are living independently. Please know though, that some Global Hope children may move away, be sent to live with relatives in a different community or leave our care for other reasons. In these circumstances, we will inform you as quickly as possible, and we’ll offer you the opportunity to support another child in need of your help.

Occasionally, it is possible to continue your sponsorship when a child gets out of school to help with the expenses associated with learning a trade or attending college. We can let you know if that becomes an option.

We hope that you will be able to continue as a Global Hope Godparent indefinitely, although we recognize that Godparents’ circumstances sometimes change. You may elect to stop being a Godparent at any time.

Is it important to pray for the child I am sponsoring?
Prayer is a critical link between sponsors and the children they help. Your prayers for the health, safety, education and spiritual development of your child are critical. Sponsored children are greatly encouraged when they hear that their Godparents are praying for them. We hope that you will pray for your Godchild as often as possible. You might wish to use the information in your child’s profile to help guide your prayers for his or her personal situation, the children’s home or foster family in which they live, as well as their community and country.

Remember that your Godchild is being encouraged to pray for you, too. As your relationship grows you will begin to discover a deeper connection through your prayers for each other.

How often will Global Hope update me on my child?

Global Hope will send you semi-annual updates about your Godchild’s progress, and periodic newsletters with updates on all ministry locations. You will also receive letters from your Godchild one to two times a year.

You’ll be able to track the entire Global Hope community through our web page,, and through our Facebook page, Through these tools, you will grow to understand the cultures of the areas where Global Hope provides support and the daily life of the children and the staff.

We also encourage you to visit your godchild on a Global Hope mission trip. You can find out more about Global Hope mission opportunities by contacting us at

Can I visit my Child?
Yes! We encourage you to visit your Godchild on a Global Hope mission trip. Our team coordinates at least one trip per year to each country where we work. You can find out more about Global Hope Mission opportunities by writing us at
How do I send letters to my child?

There are two ways you can send a letter to your child:

  1. Use the Write to Your Letter page to access the letter writing form. This online tool is the fastest, least expensive, and most reliable way for us to forward your letter to your child.
  1. You may also send a letter to your child by mailing it to Global Hope, P.O. Box 1052, Broomfield, CO 80038. Enclose your name, your sponsored child’s name and reference number. Global Hope will translate your letter, if necessary, and deliver it to your child.

When you write a letter to your child, you will receive a confirmation email that your letter was received and has been sent to your child.

We encourage you to send your child a personal, family, or group photograph and a short letter of introduction. You may write to your child as often as you like. Writing letters helps the child develop a sense of well-being, and helps them grow in their reading and writing skills. The more you write to your child, the more he or she will benefit from your relationship.

How often should I write to my Godchild?
We encourage Godparents to try and send a message to your child once a month, but we know with busy schedules, that can be difficult. You may write anytime that you are able, even if that means once a quarter, or a few times a year. Your messages do not need to be long, but you can encourage them in their hard work at school, their creativity, and the various things they are learning and doing. Just a note that you’re praying for them can mean a lot. Remember that you may be one of only a small number of positive voices they hear; your emotional support will have lasting effects.
What should I write about in my letters?
Talk about the things you enjoy doing: your hobbies and interests, interesting places you have visited, things you hope to do in the future. Share your walk with Christ with your child. Your letter does not need to be long, just one page is great, and include pictures of your family!

When writing your letters please don’t make any promises you can’t keep; don’t promise to visit them “sometime,” or say that you hope they will visit you. To protect your privacy, don’t include personal information like your phone number, address, or financial information.

Will my Godchild write to me?
Depending on the age and capabilities of your child, he or she may write to you. Young children who have not learned to write, or disabled children who cannot write, will communicate to you through our field staff. Children who can write will be encouraged to answer as many of your letters as possible.

Please know that in some locations it is difficult for the children to write frequently. Global Hope can only assure Godparents one or two letters a year, although we do try to get more when feasible. When a Godchild writes you a letter, Global Hope will send it either by regular mail or email, depending on the format in which we receive it.

May I send gifts to my Godchild?
Letter writing will be the main source of interaction with your Godchild. You may choose to send your letter in a fun, colorful card when we have a team or staff member visiting the location where your child lives.

We may inform you of opportunities to contribute to a gift for the home or school, but we ask that you do not send gifts to an individual child when other children in the home or school are not receiving one. You may also choose to make an extra contribution at Christmas when we send money for a special celebration for the children.

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We're glad to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.
Working together, we can make a difference!