Global Hope Village


In India, there are children waiting, right now, to be rescued from homes of commercial sex workers and extreme poverty. These children are at risk of abuse and being exposed to unthinkable situations. This is urgent and Global Hope is partnering with its mission lead in south-central India to rescue these children this year.
Together, we are partnering to expand Global Hope Village.
Initial funding needs for the construction and opening of the five new homes has been met by generous and faithful donors!  Help is still needed to meet the ongoing monthly costs of caring for the children in the new homes.  Cost of each home per month is approximately $1,100 — you can help us meet that need by becoming a Global Hope Godparent or by setting up a recurring monthly donation designated to the Global Hope Village project.


The campus currently under construction will eventually include:

  • 20 homes for 200 children (5 of those homes will be part of Global Hope Village)
  • Skills training for 1300 students
  • School for 800 children
  • Dining hall for 325 children
  • Multipurpose Hall for 800 people

The projected completion date for construction is early 2025. We look forward to moving children into our five new homes and walking alongside them as they grow and thrive in a loving Christian environment.

Construction in progress (June 2024):



  • Current 100% 100%

Help is still needed to provide for the ongoing needs of the 70 children currently in our care and the 50 children that will be joining us soon!


Reach Out!

We're glad to hear from you and answer any questions you may have.
Working together, we can make a difference!