Sponsor a Child in Arad Romania Today!
Your commitment to support a child provides a much needed lifeline to the children in need. The children on this page are only a few of the children who need a Global Hope godparent.
For just $39 a month, you can be an answer to prayer for one of the neediest children in the world by sponsoring a child through the Global Hope Godparent program. We believe the most important gift you give is the love your Godchild will feel when you pray for them and write them letters…maybe even visit them on a Global Hope mission trip!

Daian lives in Arad, Romania. He was born in August 2012.
In 2018 Daian joined a Global Hope foster family — he now has loving parents and 2 instant sisters! Daian, is thriving with his foster family, the stability and love they provide has had a huge impact on him. He enjoys going to his new school where he is now in the 1st grade. He likes to play outside running and riding his bike. Daian dreams of learning to drive a big car!

Maria lives in Arad, Romania. She was born in August 2013.
Maria came to live with a Global Hope foster family in March 2018, she loves her instant family which includes a new brother and a baby sister. Maria loves to help take care of her little sister as well as help her mom in the kitchen preparing meals. She also likes to color and play with dolls. Maria says that someday she wants to be able to cook as well as her mom does!

Eduard lives in Romania near Arad. He was born in April 2008.
When they were very young Eduard and his sister, Lynette, went to live with their grandmother. Their mother has health issues that make her unable to care for them. Eduard now lives at Ana’s House so he can attend high school in Arad. Eduard does well in school, he is fascinated by geography and hopes to travel the world someday.

Lynette lives in Romania near Arad. She was born in February 2007.
When they were very young Lynette and her brother went to live with their grandmother. Global Hope provides financial assistance so they can stay together as a family. Lynette is an excellent student, she is consistently one of the top students in her class. She enjoys riding her bike, rollerskating with her friends, listening to music, and reading books in English.
First…Select one of these children, or let us choose a child for you!
Complete the form below and be an answer to prayer for one of the neediest children in the world by sponsoring a child through the Global Hope Godparent program.
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