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Go With Global Hope
Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well (1 Peter 4:10) If you’ve never participated on a mission team, we urge you to consider it. If you’ve served before, we’d love to have you join us again on one of our mission trips!
Thanks to people like you raising their hands and saying “I’ll go!”, Global Hope sends mission teams to each of our ministry locations every year. You might have lots of reasons for not going on a mission team, but there is one big reason to go on a mission team: God asks us to go and serve the neediest people in the world. And, if you do go, I am confident that God will touch your heart by showing you remarkable things about the children and staff that you are serving with, and also about yourself.
There are opportunities for people with a variety of skills and experience. If you are interested in going on a mission trip, please fill out the form to the right and press the Send button at the bottom of the form, and someone will contact you shortly.
Mission Trips
Locations visited
On our mission trips to Arad, Romania we spend time with rescued children living at Ana’s House and in our foster care families. Activities may include: helping with summer garden projects, making crafts, helping older children with simple carpentry, and small maintenance projects. The kids love to play indoor and outdoor games so be sure to hone your Uno and matching game skills before going, or be prepared to join them in a game of soccer or volleyball! Cost is $700 plus airfare.
Visit Hope for Orphans Rescue Center (HOREC) and Spring Valley Academy on one of our mission trips to the outskirts of Nairobi, Kenya. You will interact with the children at HOREC and students who attend Spring Valley Academy (grades K-8). Teach Bible stories, make crafts and play games with the children. There may be occasional construction or maintenance projects. A safari after the trip is also an option for team members. Approximate cost: $1,100 plus airfare and immunizations.
Our mission trips to India will be traveling to multiple communities to visit all the Global Hope children. They love to spend time with visitors, learn verses, new songs and crafts. Team members will also get to visit the campus where girls and women who are rescued out of the sex trade are getting opportunities to learn vocational skills and become self-sustaining. Experience this remarkable culture and be a messenger of love. Approximate cost: $1,100 plus airfare and immunizations.
For more information on any of these trips, or if you have questions, please email Marsha Weber at
Explore our FAQ for more information on Mission Trips
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Working together, we can make a difference!