Global Hope Partners
Global Hope partners come from all walks of life; they were raised in different cultures, are geographically diverse and possess varied skills and experiences; however, they share a common vision – to actively respond to Christ’s call to rescue and restore children throughout the world.

Thomas Agutu: Obaga
Thomas was born and raised in the village Obaga, in the Siaya County of Kenya. He studied Business Administration, majoring in Entrepreneurship, and used his education to create and operate a mission tours company in Kenya called Nappet Tours. Thomas sits on the Board of many organizations in Kenya that serve the community and has received awards of excellence as a result of his commitment and dedication to the service of humanity.
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Pastor Stanley and Alice Nganga: Spring Valley Children’s Center
Pastor Stanley and his wife Alice had retired, so they thought. In 1999, after visiting the Spring Valley Slum with a church group, their hearts went out to the people in that community. The poverty level was so high about one hundred children would die of starvation, water borne diseases and HIV complications every year.
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Christine Wambui: Hope for Orphan’s Rescue Center
Christine founded Hope for Orphan’s Rescue Center in 2005 after volunteering in Nairobi slums taking care of women living with HIV/AIDS. Christine experienced first-hand neglect and abuse to children whose parents succumbed to HIV/AIDS. She made numerous appeals to have the children assimilated into the program and provided a safe-haven to no avail.
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Pastor Cristian Istrate: House of Joy, Cornatel
Pastor Cristi is the founding pastor of the United Methodist Church “Light from Light” in Sibiu, Romania. He is a graduate of the University of Political Science and Communication, graduate of the Methodist Theological Academy. He also holds a Master in Biblical Theology (Faculty of Greek-Catholic Theology). He served in humanitarian work both in Romania and abroad, especially collaborating with the persecuted church in the Middle East.
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“Pastor Z”: Kathryn E. Larsen Children’s Center
When Pastor Z was in high school, he suffered severely from smallpox and got very sick. His father told him to depend on the Lord for healing so Pastor Z began praying earnestly. It was during this time he felt called to dedicate his life to serve the Lord.
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Romica Iuga, Romania: Fundatia Caminul Sperantei
In partnership with Global Hope, Romi has served as the President of ‘Fundatia Caminul Sperantei’ (our Romanian sister foundation) since 1998. He has been a pastor at ‘Speranta’ (Hope) Baptist Church in Arad, Romania since 1993. He married Doroteea in 1996 and they have two children, David and Octavia.
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