Christmas Giving Tree 2023

You can help make Christmas special for a vulnerable child!

christmas presents

Global Hope’s Christmas Giving Tree program is an important fundraiser that allows our partners to purchase items for the children that are additional to our regular budget.  This year we are asking for funds to purchase backpacks, uniforms and school supplies for the children at Spring Valley Children’s Center.  Many of the children are carrying backpacks that are threadbare and can barely hold their supplies, some of them don’t have a backpack at all and are using plastic bags to carry their school materials.  A small gift of $40 can buy backpacks for 10 children!   

The new school year will begin on January 2nd.  That means there will be 30 new children in the baby class who are in need of uniforms and school supplies to get them started on the right foot.  $25 buys a full uniform and set of supplies for one child.  There are always several students who are new to the school in the older grades who also will need a uniform and supplies, most new students arrive with almost nothing and need help to start off their school career at Spring Valley with all the needed supplies.

How Do I Help?christmas tree

Visit our donation form, choose an amount to share. Your help will go directly to Spring Valley to purchase needed items for the students as they start the new school year in January 2024.


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Working together, we can make a difference!