Global Hope Mission Trip FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions
Why go on a short-term mission trip?
Everyone who goes on a short-term mission trip has varying reasons for being called to go. Some have a tremendous heart for the children, while others are being called to step out in faith more generally. Maybe you’re a Global Hope godparent and you want to meet your godchild. Maybe, you’re ready to step out of your comfort zone and God is calling you to take this big step of faith. Whatever your specific reasoning is, you will encounter God’s heart. Our God is big, and He cares about the most marginalized in the world, and orphans and at-risk children are at the top of that list. James 1:27 says “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.”
What can I expect on a Global Hope Mission trip?
In addition to meeting and interacting with the children, part of the trip is learning about our partners and programs in place. You will experience first-hand the challenges that our ministry partners are called to address in their communities and why they love and care for the children. You will learn what great Christian leadership looks like on the “front line”, and your faith will be humbled. You will serve and worship. Trips include a variety of activities such as teaching the children, having fun with arts and crafts, meeting with mission leadership, and possibly working on defined projects. Your team’s specific skills (i.e., if your team is made up of healthcare workers, musicians, teachers, business leaders, etc.) may dictate the activities.
You will be amazed and humbled how God brings together the international body of Christ to care for His children and to advance the Kingdom of God. You will meet children and adults with such great faith that it will change and challenge your life, and you can be assured that your faith will grow exponentially!
How do I sign up for a trip?
To sign-up to learn more (without obligation), complete the form at www.globalhope.org/mission-trips. Be as descriptive as possible when completing it. Someone from Global Hope will reach out. You will have an opportunity to talk to the team leader and attend an informational meeting to learn more so you can decide which trip is best for you and if the timing and costs will work out for you.
How do I prepare for a trip?
Once you have signed up for the trip, the mission team leader will reach out to you and answer your initial questions. Global Hope will host an informational meeting that will describe the trip objectives, timing, approximate costs and to answer any question you have. Once you have committed, there will be at least two team meetings in advance of the trip. Topics will include specific trip logistics (flights, hotels, itinerary, etc.), travel requirements such as passport and visas for the trip as well as recommended immunizations for the area you will be visiting. You will discuss, as a team, possible activities and projects. You will learn about the Global Hope ministries you will be visiting, and you will get to know your fellow team members. You will also be asked to read a book or two about serving on short-term mission trips. If you need to raise funds, Global Hope will provide you some helpful ways to do that and will work with you to process donations for your trip.
Are there other ways I can help the teams without traveling?
Pray for the teams that will go out into the world as part of Global Hope’s mission. If you are interested in providing financial support to a mission team you can donate at www.globalhope.org/giving.
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Working together, we can make a difference!