Dear Global Hope Friends,
I don’t know about you, but during the early COVID days when I’d go to the grocery and see empty shelves it had me thinking about scarcity. I wondered how our friends in countries where there isn’t a grocery store on almost every corner would fare during these stay-at-home times. I was inspired to see how our ministry partners worked diligently to ensure food was made available to vulnerable families in their communities. We know in these turbulent times there are many important needs that require our focus. Remembering our friends nationally and internationally who are so impacted by difficult times has made many of us look for ways to provide support. It is an honor to serve others. Traveling to a foreign mission field is one way we at Global Hope serve–we provide Christ-centered support for orphans and vulnerable children so that they can know God’s love and thrive. Would you honor us and consider serving on a mission trip?
Our mission trips focus on relationships…each day may bring different activities, but for all trips you will meet the children and our in-country ministry partners and learn about their programs and day-to-day lives. So far, I’ve been able to travel to our locations in India and Kenya. Both of these trips were so impactful and gave me the opportunity to provide support by working directly with the children sharing stories, singing, helping in school classrooms, and serving meals. While in Kenya, I was able to spend a day with a community helping build a mud home for a young widow and her children. Both trips provided so many opportunities to experience and learn about the local cultures.
This type of trip can have a meaningful impact on your life and your Christian journey. Not only do you get a chance to serve and support others, but you can expand your world view to understand how God’s love can bring amazing transformation and hope to those living in poverty and difficult situations. Each of us, no matter our background or skills can participate and bring value. Interacting with the children is a highlight. For them, they meet people who have come a long way to visit and show God’s love and support….for us we get a chance to see the world again through the eyes of a child.
On behalf of the Global Hope board of directors, I invite you to join us on a future mission trip!
In His service,
Marsha Weber
Global Hope Board Chair
A mission trip can provide an opportunity to meet new people and learn about different cultures. We celebrate that God has made a wonderfully diverse world where we can learn from each other and appreciate our uniqueness all as His children.
Spending time with and building relationships with our ministry partners is so inspiring. Knowing we, as Christians, can partner with and work in ministry together from across the world provides a bond that can last a lifetime.
A mission trip can provide an opportunity to meet new people and learn about different cultures. We celebrate that God has made a wonderfully diverse world where we can learn from each other and appreciate our uniqueness all as His children.
Spending time with and building relationships with our ministry partners is so inspiring. Knowing we, as Christians, can partner with and work in ministry together from across the world provides a bond that can last a lifetime.
Global Hope has two ministries in Romania, one in Arad and one outside of Sibiu.
In Arad, we have one large group home for children called Ana’s House, as well as several foster homes. Over the years, 24 children, have grown, thrived and blossomed in Ana’s House.
A visit to Romania may include helping with summer garden projects, making crafts, helping older children with simple carpentry, and small maintenance projects. The kids love to play indoor and outdoor games so be sure to hone your Uno and matching game skills before going, or be prepared to join them in a game of soccer or volleyball! Depending on what time of year you go you may learn how to process honey from the Ana’s House beehives or take part in vacation bible school activities.
In addition, Global Hope supports the House of Joy, in Cornatel outside of Sibiu. This is home to 17 young people some of whom are orphans and some of whom were left by their families in a dangerous and vulnerable situation. There are several sets of siblings living together in the House of Joy. Most of the children are teenagers with a few younger children and a few young adults that are in college or trade school and getting ready to launch into independence.
In Nairobi, Global Hope supports Hope for Orphans Rescue Center (HOREC) providing long-term care for over 40 boys and girls, either infected or affected by HIV/AIDS.
In addition, we partner with Spring Valley Children’s Center located in a slum called Spring Valley. The Center offers over 375 children food, education, spiritual development and dormitories for children at high risk.
Last year, Global Hope began project-based support for The Jewels of Obaga. The village of Obaga was also affected by HIV/AIDs leaving a large group of widows and orphaned children. The widows have formed a supportive group providing care for local children and the community.
In India, Global Hope partners with Kathryn E. Larsen Children’s Center (KEL) supporting 20+ children, who are poverty orphans, providing shelter, food and education.
In addition, we partner with the John Foundation in Hyderabad to establish children’s homes for orphaned or semi-orphaned children. Many of these children have mothers in the sex trade and were living in poor and dangerous environments before coming to live at our children’s homes.
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Working together, we can make a difference!