Most of the schools in Kenya resumed classes today after one week of half-term holiday. The children are returning to school during a time of great tension in the country. For the last three weeks there have been a lot of protests by the youth about the current finance bill and some grievances they had with the government especially the members of parliament. These protests turned deadly last week Tuesday when a section of the parliament, senate and city hall of Nairobi were burned by these protestors and some of the protestors were also shot by law enforcement. The protests/demonstrations across the country resumed today even as children went back to school. Here in Spring Valley all our children have been safe so far and are very happy to be back in school learning.

We ask kindly for your continued prayers for the Lord to protect the children and staff of Spring Valley during this stressful time in Kenya. Our prayer is that peace, calm and stability will return to the country. Thank you dear partners and friends for your love and support that continues making Spring Valley a safe haven for the children and staff.